Quiche (Lactose Free & Regular)
To go along with last weeks pie crust post, this week I'm giving you another tasty way to use that pie crust! The complete opposite of apple pie, but a savory breakfast quiche. Quiches are a great healthy breakfast that can be made in advance and taken on the go. What exactly is a quiche? It's an egg-based dish with veggies and sometimes includes breakfast meats such as ham, bacon or sausage. The egg mixture and fillings are then poured into a cooked crust- and baked in the oven. Although the popular breakfast dish is considered to be apart of the classical French cuisine, they actually originated from Lothringen, Germany. The French then changed it from Lothringen to Lorraine, which is the name for the traditional quiche- quiche Lorraine. A quiche Lorraine has bacon, onions, and gruyere cheese or swiss cheese. Today- quiches allow a lot of creativity in the kitchen and the filling possibilities are endless.
The quiche I made was a veggie quiche- pretty much everything but the kitchen sink. Mushrooms, broccoli, yellow onion, scallions, tomatoes, and cheddar cheese. Be sure to saute any veggies in advance because if added raw they won't cook all the way through. Same goes for any meats you may add to the quiche.
Quiches are a classic dish that's high in protein and can be the perfect start to the day. It can be made in advance for gatherings, brunch, or even as simple as busy mornings. They can be eaten hot or cold and you can easily change the flavor of the dish with new fillings. Be sure to try this French dish out! Don't forget to share this post on social media, and subscribe to get a once a week email, just to let you know my new post is up!
The quiche I made was a veggie quiche- pretty much everything but the kitchen sink. Mushrooms, broccoli, yellow onion, scallions, tomatoes, and cheddar cheese. Be sure to saute any veggies in advance because if added raw they won't cook all the way through. Same goes for any meats you may add to the quiche.
- Combine all above ingredients, and whisk well
- Fill cooked pie shell with desired fillings
- Pour the egg mixture over prepared filled pie shell.
- Bake at 325F, until set or about 20 minutes
For a dairy free quiche, add in about 2-3 tablespoons nutritional yeast in place of the cheese., and almond milk in place of the milk and heavy cream. Nutritional yeast is a deactivated yeast product that has a cheesy or creamy flavor- so it's commonly used as a cheese substitute in lactose-free or vegan meals. It can be purchased at your local grocery store. If you decide to buy this know that you can also use it as popcorn seasoning, used in mashed potatoes, and any other recipe that calls for cheese. This product contains B12 and is high in protein.

From my kitchen to yours,
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