Homemade Glazed Donuts

Homemade Glazed Donuts If you follow me on social media, you know that last week I was neck-deep in donuts. If you were lucky you might've gotten to taste one of these donuts too! These donuts are perfectly tender, sweet, and airy on the inside. Some people are scared away by the yeast donut and stick to a baked cake donut. I'm here to tell you that yeast is not scary, yes it's alive and can easily be killed but it's probably easier than keeping a plant alive. As long as you buy high-quality yeast, and don't overheat your water, everything will be fine! TIP: I always try my best to get the blooming liquid at exactly 115* because that's where I've had the best success. Any hotter than 115* and you will kill your yeast and any cooler than 110* your yeast will not activate. Not sure if your yeast is alive? When you activate your yeast in a warm liquid it should begin to bubble up and have a fro thy look to it. When you sm...