Life Update

Hello Everyone!  If you follow me on social media, you might've seen some of my recent dessert pictures.  Those photos were captured in my "Advanced Pastry" class that I just completed.  This class covered chocolates, frozen desserts, mousses, custards, and plating.  I took this class as a Sunday lab, this means I took it for four Sundays from 7am-7pm. My class began with nine students and by day two, we were down to six! I really enjoyed having this mini-class because it was extra hands-on because everyone got to do everything!  The final for this class had a hands-on practical, combined with a written exam.  I finished the class with a 19/20 on the practical portion and 95% on the written exam.

I have tons of recipes to share with you all.  As a part of my practical, I actually had to make a packet of all of my typed notes and converted recipes with pictures.  So I'm working on getting those all into blog posts for you all!  I'm super excited about all of the content I finally have.  Being in academic classes these last two terms has made having recipes difficult.  Starting this past Thursday, I started my second and also the last lab of the year, Garde Manger. 

Along with my pastry recipes, I'll also be publishing individual posts for my west coast road trip adventures!  I would like to make a post for each state with what we ate, and the main attractions that we were able to see along the route.   

With that being said, here is the first post from my pastry class, French vanilla ice cream, and also chocolate crumble for you to serve your ice cream on top of!  

As always thank you so much for reading!  Please follow me on social media, to stay updated with new posts!

From my kitchen to yours,


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